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            ICOSQL Easy Use Try Me Click here

   • High security user control for login with password
   • Receipt No# on every transactions
   • Optional data input by PLU code or barcode or
   • Optional to manual input price during sale transaction
   • Kick cash drawer function to open cash drawer for
      non-sales purpose
   • Hold receipt and recall receipt function
   • Reprint receipt function can reprint receipt for
     current day receipt and also history sales receipt
   • Receipt refund function
   • Flexible item void function to void selected item in
     the list
   • Change item-selling price to change selected
     item's selling price in the list
   • Stock Receiving Module
   • X-report allows user to print report day end
   • Real time report print after day end closing
   • Search item by PLU code, Barcode and description
   • Function to reprint sales receipt
   • Optional for Customer code entry
   • Realtime online to view report and manage
     data entry via LAN any internet browser
   • View and Manage Items Activities
   • Realtime Automatic update database
   • Easy Backup database function
   • Support 2nd Monitor display and Advertising
   • Generate Barcodes Module
   • GST compliance